How To Choose A Builder That Is Right For You

Whether you’re building your own home or constructing a commercial building, finding the right builder could make or break your project.

Whether you’re building a home or a commercial building, finding the right builder could make or break your project. Unlike the control+z function on a keyboard, decisions made by your builder are hard to undo and will last for years afterwards.

Before you begin the home-building process, you must ensure you have the right home builder. With so many builders to choose from, where should you start? Let’s find out!


This can seem daunting and time-consuming, but you won’t want to skip or rush through this process. What does the research entail? Let’s take a look!


Executive director Brian Seidler from the Master’s Builders Association NSW suggests we recommend you go to three builders to get quotes through a formal tender process or by engaging a reputable building broker to do this for you.

To find the most accurate quote, try to provide as many details about your project as possible. This will give the builder a good idea of your required scope and specifications.


When considering a builder for your construction project, such as a new house or custom home, conducting a thorough background check is essential to ensure you work with a trustworthy builder. Here are some detailed steps and considerations to take during this process:

Verify Licensing and Certification

Ensure the builder has the necessary licenses, especially if your project involves work valued over $20,000, which typically requires home warranty work under many regional regulations. In New South Wales, this licensing is crucial as it validates the builder’s ability to handle large projects and ensures compliance with local building regulations.

Check Builder’s Track Record

Investigate whether the builder has had any previous disputes with clients or subcontractors. This can be a red flag indicating potential issues regarding reliability or quality of work. You can access this information through resources like the NSW Fair Trading website, which offers insights into any registered complaints or legal issues against builders.

Engage with Past or Current Clients

If possible, speak directly to past or current builder clients. This firsthand feedback can provide invaluable insights into the builder’s work ethic, quality of construction, adherence to timelines, and overall client satisfaction. Such interactions can help you gauge the builder’s consistency and reliability throughout construction.

Read Online Reviews

Online reviews are a gold mine of information when assessing a builder’s reputation and effectiveness. Look for reviews on independent websites or forums where past clients discuss their experiences. Consider positive and negative reviews to get a balanced view of the builder’s performance.

Consider Their Specialisation

Some builders specialise in certain types of projects, like complex construction or custom homes. If your project involves specialised work, hiring someone with this expertise might be beneficial to ensure that high standards are met.

Choose the Right Builder for Progress Payments

Regarding progress payments during construction, ensure you have a direct contact person at the builder’s company. Using a good building broker is also advisable to ensure the chosen builder pays subcontractors and suppliers properly, especially if you have a construction loan.

Site Visits

Visit the construction site regularly to monitor progress and address any concerns promptly. This hands-on approach helps ensure the project stays on track and meets your expectations.

By taking these steps, you increase your chances of choosing the right builder and ensure that your building project is in the hands of a capable and trustworthy professional. This helps achieve the successful completion of your new house and ensures that the journey is smooth and aligned with your expectations.


When evaluating potential builders for your project, their experience is crucial. Ask how long the company has been in business and whether they have handled projects similar to yours, especially if they involve complex construction. Reviewing the builder’s portfolio will give you insight into their capability and style. Some builders specialise in certain projects, like custom homes or large-scale renovations, so make sure their expertise aligns with your needs.

Ask detailed questions about their process, methods and philosophy to understand their approach to handling engineering details and other critical aspects of construction. A good builder should be transparent and ready to discuss the reasoning behind decisions, which is essential for any homeowner looking to understand the complexities of their project.

Additionally, don’t forget to verify their qualifications and overall experience in the field, as this ensures they have the necessary expertise to manage and execute your project effectively. Regarding progress payments during construction, ensure you have a direct contact person at the builder’s company. Using a third party is also advisable to ensure the chosen builder pays subcontractors and suppliers properly, especially if you have a construction loan. This protects you from potential liens on your property.

Their transparency, specialisation fits, verifiable credentials, and sound payment processes are crucial for a smooth building experience. Taking the time to thoroughly vet builders upfront can save you significant headaches.


Make sure that the quote, plans, and contract all match. You don’t want any nasty surprises along the way that could cost you even more time and money. A written warranty, proof of workers’ compensation, liability insurance, and a builder’s warranty are also crucial.

5. Prioritise Communication

When choosing a builder for your construction work, responsiveness is critical. A builder who quickly answers your initial queries will likely maintain good communication throughout the project. Note their response times and the clarity of their answers, especially when discussing building contracts, as this reflects their commitment to transparency.

Also, inquire about their communication with sub-contractors, which ensures that all aspects of the construction work are well-coordinated and meet your expectations. A builder who listens and understands your needs helps establish a good working relationship, which is essential for a successful project. This not only fosters collaboration but also assures that your vision for the project is accurately realised.

Find A Partner, Not Just A Builder

Remember that your dream home or building is just the right builder away! Having a builder you can trust with such an important project will make all the difference. At Buildrite Sydney, we take building construction and carpentry work seriously, ensuring the highest quality and care at each step. Feel free to contact our team if you’d like to learn more about how we can help you with your next project.

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