10 Common Signs of Structural Issues in Buildings

Structural issues can compromise the stability and safety of a building.

Common Signs of Structural Issues in Buildings

Structural defects in buildings can go unnoticed for years until they finally manifest in catastrophic ways. Many property owners need to learn what subtle signs to look for to indicate potential structural problems that require further professional assessment. However, identifying common symptoms of underlying structural issues early is critical to preventing severe deterioration and costly repairs down the road.

In this article, we’ll overview some of the most telling signs that should prompt building owners to seek out inspection and repairs from a structural engineer. These include cracks, uneven floors, leaks, and other red flags that suggest movement, shifting, or loss of integrity in the load-bearing elements. Catching these structural deficiencies early on can mean the difference between simple fixes now versus major shoring-up projects or complete tear-downs later.

Being aware of what subtle signs to look for helps responsible property owners stay on top of monitoring their building’s structural health. If you notice any of these common indicators of potential structural weakness, it’s important to have a qualified structural engineer assess sooner rather than later. Read on for an overview of the top signs of structural issues and how to address them.

1. Cracks in Walls, Ceilings, or Foundations

One of the most common and telling signs of a structural problem is cracking in the building’s walls, ceilings, or foundation. Cracks tend to appear when a building’s structural support system is compromised by shifting, settling, or deterioration.

Cracks may start hairline-thin and barely noticeable. But over time, the cracks will likely expand, lengthen, or multiply if the underlying cause needs to be addressed appropriately.

Some key things to look out for are horizontal or diagonal cracks in walls, which can signal settling issues or that the foundation is moving. The slant of the crack may indicate which direction the structure is shifting.

Vertical cracks in walls often occur from shrinkage and expansion but can also indicate structural weaknesses. Cracks around windows, doors, and corners may be due to framing issues or excessive vibration.

In ceilings, cracks radiating from a central point are worrisome and usually result from water damage or problems with the roof structure. Any sizable cracks noticed in the foundation or brickwork almost certainly indicate movement and instability in the supporting elements. Even small cracks that seem purely cosmetic should not be ignored, as they can proliferate into much larger fissures when left unattended.

2. Leaking Water or Damp Areas

Persistent water leaks, seepage, or damp areas in a building can compromise structural integrity over time. Water exposure deteriorates building materials, erodes foundations, and causes ongoing shifting as moisture seeps into the ground and base materials.

If you see water stains on ceilings, peeling paint or plaster, musty smells, or actual droplets or puddles coming through, a leak must be traced back to its source and permanently sealed.

Damp basements or crawlspaces breed mould and rot in wood elements like support beams or decks. Make sure gutters are clear and draining properly away from the structure, as clogged gutters can lead to foundation water damage.

Any damp areas or leaks left unaddressed can undermine the strength of the entire building frame. Immediately consult a structural engineer and remediation expert if water intrusion is suspected.

3. Uneven Floors or Sagging Rooflines

Uneven floors and sagging rooflines clearly show that the building structure is destabilising and needs inspection. Floor surfaces inside that appear sloped or uneven can mean the foundation is settling non-uniformly due to soil problems or cracks in the foundation walls or footings.

This differential settling will progressively worsen if not corrected. Sagging horizontal lines in roof frames or ceilings also indicate potential settlement issues or degraded structural components in the roof that are bowing under the weight load.

Sagging floors and rooflines signify the early stages of structure collapse that will rapidly accelerate without proper shoring up and levelling. If you notice either of these symptoms, get a structural assessment right away to determine the repairs needed to stabilise the building’s load-bearing skeleton before further downward movement occurs.

4. Doors or Windows That Stick or Won’t Close Properly

Doors and windows that fail to open and close smoothly can signal that the building has shifted or settled out of plumb. When a structure moves due to foundation problems or deteriorated structural components, it can cause the walls and framing to go out of square.

This results in misaligned door and window frames that now catch or warp against the off-kilter openings. Sticking doors and windows, gaps in framing, or the need to force them shut are symptoms of underlying settlement that should not be ignored.

The sticking and rubbing will only worsen over time as the building shifts and descends without remediation. A structural engineer can determine if foundation repairs, bracing, or reinforcements are needed to bring the building back into proper weight-bearing alignment and allow doors and windows to function normally.

5. Separating Walls or Ceilings

Separating walls from ceilings or floors can be a major red flag for structural instability. Gaps, where interior walls meet the ceiling, indicate the framing has shifted out of alignment due to foundation movement or deterioration of load-bearing elements.

Similarly, baseboard moulding or vinyl flooring pulling away from the walls suggests settling issues in the foundation that are progressively worsening. The separating architectural components are a symptom of differential movement and compromise to structural framing within the building.

This separation increases over time as elements shift further out of position if not properly corrected. Consulting a structural engineer as soon as even minor separation is noticed can help to identify and remedy the root cause before further damage occurs. Quick action is key to stabilising the building structure and preventing walls or ceilings from detaching completely.


6. Previous Patch Jobs or Attempts at Repair

DIY patch jobs or quick fixes may conceal signs of structural issues. For example, hairline cracks hastily filled in, corners reinforced with extra nails or structural beams covered with new drywall.

These are clear indicators that problems have been developing for some time, and the residents attempted minor repairs without addressing the root cause. Cover-ups like injected sealants or makeshift braces may temporarily reduce the appearance of defects, but they do not stabilise the underlying problem, which will continue to worsen.

Previous patch jobs suggest an ongoing structural movement that needs professional assessment. Inspect any questionable areas further and be wary of concealed defects behind superficial repairs. Addressing the source issue is imperative, so consulting a structural engineer to identify and remedy the cause of the original damage is highly recommended.

7. Visible Sinking or Tilting of Exterior Walls

Noticeable exterior sinking or wall tilting are sure signs of foundation failure and require immediate structural inspection. If sections of the exterior facade appear to be dropping downward, this indicates settlement and instability of the foundation and lower structural components.

Tilted walls also suggest non-uniform settling of the structure, with more pronounced failures under certain sections of the home. The exterior symptoms likely represent even more extreme foundation deficiencies hidden underground.

Sinking and tilting will worsen progressively unless promptly addressed, so structural underpinning and foundation repairs need to be done as soon as these exterior red flags are observed. Left too long, the downward and lateral movements can permanently undermine the load-bearing capacity, necessitating a total rebuild.

8. Wall Bulges

Bulging walls are an ominous sign of serious structural deficiency and impending collapse without urgent reinforcement. Walls that bow outward indicate the wall framing has been critically compromised and can no longer bear the weight load.

This causes the weakened area to be pushed out by the excess structural forces. Bulges typically start subtly but expand rapidly as structural failure accelerates. The bulging suggests a potential loss of integrity in the studs, blocks, or connectors that make up the wall system.

Large protruding wall sections or bubbles signify a severely overloaded and failing framework. Any observed wall bowing, even minor, requires immediate engineering assessment and installation of bracing to stabilise the affected areas. If neglected, complete failure of the wall and collapse is possible. Swift preventative reinforcement is the only way to halt the progression once bulging is visible.

9. Pest Infestation or Rotted Wood

Evidence of pest infestation or rotting wooden structural elements is cause for serious concern. Termites, carpenter ants, wood-boring beetles, and decay fungi will rapidly devour away at critical framing like floor joists, support beams, and wall studs.

These damaged materials lose strength and the ability to bear structural loads. Signs include wood that is darkened, crumbly or has tunnels. Tap wood with a hammer to listen for dull, hollow sounds indicating interior deterioration.

Poke suspicious beams with an awl to check for softness. Look for specks or frass around joints. Remove linings to inspect hidden areas. Get a pest control expert and structural engineer to assess all affected areas urgently.

Left unchecked, infected framing members can fail suddenly, bringing down ceilings, walls, or floors they support. Replacement and reinforcement of compromised wood may be necessary.

10. Loose Handrails, Steps, or Decking

Loose structural attachments like handrails, stairs, or deck boards can betray larger underlying weaknesses. When connections meant to be tightly fastened start to wiggle or detach, it shows the main structure is compromised and unstably moving.

Stair risers coming loose from stringers, treads separating, wobbly handrails, or deck boards that feel bouncy underfoot mean structural instability. The building’s load paths have been disrupted, and weight can no longer be transferred properly through the affected components.

This will progressively worsen if shear walls, posts, or joists have been structurally undermined but have yet to collapse visibly. Pay attention to loose railings or stair parts, as the problem likely extends beyond the surface. Address the root failing while still manageable before a more catastrophic detachment and collapse occurs.

Spot Structural Issues Early

Catching structural issues early is the key to preventing extensive damage and costly repairs down the road. Keep an eye out for any common warning signs we’ve described, including cracking, sinking, leaks, and pest damage.

Don’t ignore small problems or cover up flaws with quick cosmetic fixes. Addressing the root cause promptly can help stabilise a structure before collapse occurs.

If you notice any questionable signs in your building, the experts at Buildrite can perform a comprehensive structural inspection and assessment. Our licensed structural engineers have the experience, training, and tools to identify underlying deficiencies and design structural reinforcement solutions.

We offer a range of repair services to properly stabilise foundations, level floors, shore up framing and strengthen load-bearing elements. Our preventative services help building owners protect their investments against deterioration.

Take action when major structural failures occur. Call Buildrite for an evaluation as soon as any red flags appear. Catching problems in the earliest stages saves property owners significant money over allowing flaws to worsen until facilities are condemned or destroyed. Our prompt action provides effective solutions to give you peace of mind about your building’s structural stability.

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